on Global Health
The Alliance for Global Health has convened a select group of Danish and international experts to provide actionable recommendations for strengthening Denmark’s role in global health. The expert group addresses critical global health challenges and opportunities, leveraging Denmark’s strengths and experience in the field.
Expert Group Report
The Expert Group has produced a concise report offering targeted recommendations for Denmark’s role in global health. Grounded in the latest evidence, including insights from the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (Global Health 2050), the report serves as a roadmap for policymakers.
Why an Expert Group on Global Health?
Climate change, armed conflict, economic and political instability, and the legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic are placing immense pressure on health systems, particularly in the Global South. Simultaneously, there is a significant funding gap in global health initiatives.
Denmark has an opportunity to play a leading role in advancing global health, building on strong competencies in sexual and reproductive health, international development, innovation, and research.
The Expert Group aims to address these challenges by providing actionable and evidence-based recommendations to Danish policymakers.
Meet the experts
The Expert Group on Global Health brings together leading Danish and international experts with knowledge in global health, development aid and financing.
Angela Y. Chang
Associate Professor
University of Southern Denmark & member of the Lancet Commission on investment in health
Haifaa Awad
Doctor & Chairwoman
Action Aid
Justice Nonvignon
Technical Director and Professor
Management Sciences for Health, University of Ghana
Anna Frellsen
Maternity Foundation
Steven L.B. Jensen
Senior Researcher
Danish Institute for Human Rights
Tobias Alfvén
Karolinska Institutet
Ulla E. Müller
UNFPA Nordic
Vibeke Brix Christensen
Medical Doctor & Advisor
Doctors Without Borders
Søren Brostrøm
Senior Adviser, World Health Organization
"The report makes a compelling case for why Denmark should invest more in global health, emphasizing both our obligation and opportunity to lead."
Flemming Møller Mortensen
Member of the Danish Parliament, Spokesperson on Development, Foreign Affairs and Greenland, The Social Democratic Party
"We acknowledge the work of the Alliance and all the engaged partners. The report and its recommendations are timely, as we will soon develop the new development cooperation strategy."
Majbrit Berlau
Secretary General, Danish Family Planning Association
"One of the report's most powerful points is its framing of SRHR as a health issue - not a moral belief or ideology."
Steven L. B. Jensen
Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for Human Rights. Member of the Expert Group for Global Health
"The Expert Groups recommends that Denmark prioritizes global health in the next Danish strategy for development cooperation, adopt a dedicated global health strategy, and appoint a Global Health Ambassador to coordinate efforts and leverage synergies."
Anna Frellsen
CEO, Maternity Foundation. Medlem af Ekspertgruppen for Global Sundhed
"This report reflects the expertise of us eight experts and our networks, guided by deep dives, discussions, and support from the Secretariat, ensuring the recommendations are grounded in solid evidence."
Diane Gashumba
Ambassador of Rwanda to the Kingdom of Sweden with Jurisdiction over the Nordics
"This is a clear and well-structured report (...) Denmark should take global leadership in health by fostering mutually beneficial partnerships in Africa. With its unique strongholds, Denmark can make a real difference, including boosting local vaccine production and driving digitalization across the continent."
Reactions from leading global healthcare experts
Key players in global health attended the launch event and provided their feedback on the report's recommendations. Explore their comments here.